About LeTip

LeTip - The Original Business Referral Network

Largest Chapter in the South Bay

33 Years of Business Referral Networking in the South Bay

Top 30 Chapters in the United States and Canada

2nd Largest Chapter in Los Angeles County

28+ Active Members

Celebrating our 33rd Anniversary this year, South Bay LeTip is the largest, and longest-established, business referral networking group in Los Angeles’ South Bay.

South Bay LeTip

Part of LeTip International, our local Chapter was formed in 1991 by forward-thinking, like-minded professionals in the Greater South Bay Area (of Los Angeles) looking to grow their businesses. 33 years later, we’ve over 28+ active businesses still succeeding at the same thing – including some of our original, founding members! Our Chapter is also home to several “Best of the South Bay” winning businesses, which credit their success to their South Bay LeTip involvement.

However, don’t be fooled, while generating a family-like atmosphere, LeTip isn’t a social network… our goal is to make our businesses stronger, more effective, and ultimately more profitable.

The group is run like a business and held accountable for our time, while designed without all the restrictions you might find in other referral or networking groups. While supporting each other, we allow you the flexibility and independence to succeed. Our successful program requires members to be committed, promotes excellence, and demands integrity.

Proud member of three local Chambers of Commerce, our members can attend any of these Chambers’ functions as participant Chamber Members:

Our Members

Want to add 28+ people to your sales force – to support and help you with your business growth – without paying salaries? Easy! The core of LeTip’s strength is its members. Successful businesses in their own right, but they become your extended sales force, generating qualified referral tips, and furthering your own business goals.

Our Values

Our Values exemplify our business cultures – they help guide our actions and define our business practices. These are the ideals we strive for not only individually, but as a professional group:

The LeTip Creed

LeTip is an organization of men and women, dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and all conflicts of interest are disallowed.

LeTip International

LeTip started it all. In 1978 it debuted as the nation’s first business leads networking group. A professional networking group centered around a program that embraced both businesswomen and businessmen, and set the standard in the word-of-mouth referral industry and professional business networking groups.

Today, with over 215 Chapters and 4,200+ members worldwide, LeTip is still raising the bar. By adding advanced technology our program – which focuses on relationships – grows, becomes more agile, and strengthens those same relationships