The best way to earn trust is to give it first. Providing qualified leads to your LeTip partners shows you’re invested in the relationship you’re building with them.
Inform and educate your LeTip partners so they understand what your business offers. Once they know all that, it will be easier for them to provide you quality tips.
More qualified leads coming in mean more high-quality business opportunities. These are the basic building blocks to growing your revenue.
The benefits of LeTip are cyclical and can be perpetual. Once you get the system down, the path to success becomes second-nature.
Looking for a first-class Business Network?
Look no further, you’ve found us! Your fellow South Bay LeTip members have years of experience in their fields and have extended networks that can support your business and help you access clients that you wouldn’t otherwise have reached. We succeed by teaching each other about our businesses, our ideal clients, and our value in the marketplace. We create a competition-free environment that encourages sharing and support. We’re a family of professional businesses dedicated to helping each other succeed.
Power Partnerships
It’s only natural that certain businesses complement each other – they’re your Power Partners. Luckily South Bay LeTip is comprised of a wide range of industry types and partnering with a complementary business can bolster your business in different ways.
- Referrals of Related Business
- Shared Projects & Clients
- Expanded Exposure
- Experienced Support
Succeeding together
Helping Business Succeed
Benefiting from LeTip for 10-33 years
Generated per month
Generated in 2024
What We Can Do For You
Joining a referral group is usually sparked by a basic premise … you want more business. But LeTip can do so much more for you. Yes, LeTip membership puts Dollars in Your Pocket™ but it also helps you become a better public speaker and enables you to understand your business on a deeper level. We’re a family – loyal to one another – and by becoming a joining us, you become part of our reliable network of trusted business professionals. This means you’re the first business we think of when we’re asked for a referral by clients, family, and friends.
And one of the best parts has nothing to do with money. South Bay LeTip membership empowers you with a “Feel Good Factor” – that amazing feeling you get when you help one another succeed.

Success Stories

Unleash Your Business’ Potential!
South Bay LeTip expands your sales force, increases your reach, and sharpens your business skills. Find out how we can work for you!
Let's Connect
Meeting Details
We’d love to meet you
and see how we can help your business thrive! Currently we meet every Tuesday morning from 7:16AM – 8:31AM in person at South End Racquet and Health Club.
To join us at our next meeting, drop us a line using the Contact form and our Membership Chair will be in touch.