Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know…
Okay, not really, but we realise that joining a referral network is a big step for a lot of business. That’s why we’d like to provide you with as much information as possible for you to make an informed decision on whether LeTip is a right fit for you and your business.
Below you’ll find some of the most common questions we get asked, and we’ve broken them up into three groups for easy indexing:
- Membership & Benefits
- Dues & Money
- Meetings & Responsibilities
And of course, the best place to get your questions answered is by Visiting Our Next Meeting.
Membership & Benefits
Well, in honesty, too much to list here. Our What We Do page can fill you in on all the benefits of being a South Bay LeTip member.
LeTip International, Inc. is a support structure for over 200 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada. They provide most of the materials necessary for our chapter to operate at no charge to you including extensive online and mobile tools, seminars, and making sure all our materials are easily accessible to the membership. They also provide a full-time, paid staff to assist our chapter in the areas of leadership and growth every step of the way to ensure that every chapter is receiving the necessary support it requires to focus and expand its membership.
Each guest is required to attend two (2) consecutive meetings before an application can be accepted. An inspection of an applicant’s place of business is a requirement of acceptance. (If a business is mobile, an in-person inspection at the Inspector’s business can be arraigned.)
A Qualified Guest is a person who has an interest in exploring how LeTip can benefit their business, whose occupation is not already represented in the Chapter, and if permitted to join, would not be in conflict with any of the Chapter’s members. Guests are invited for two (2) meetings, and they must decide about joining after the second meeting.
It depends on the Chapter’s size. If the Chapter has fewer than thirty (30) members, then a minimum of three (3) “NO” votes can permit the Chapter to deny membership. If there are more than thirty members, then a minimum of 10% of the membership (tallied from the beginning of the quarter) voting “NO” is required to permit the Chapter to deny membership.
The Chapter’s Membership Chair and your Sponsor (if a chapter member) will call you the day you are voted into the Chapter.
Members are asked to talk directly with other members about any problems that arise. Most of the time this will be an adequate solution. If the problem persists, contact the Ethics Chairperson. This is a person who is not on the Board of Directors and will assist you with the problem. Every issue is confidential and will be kept that way. The Ethics Chairperson will take steps as necessary to resolve the issue using specific guidelines set by LeTip International.
Absolutely not! That would run counter to why we exist, which is to bring you MORE business. However, your fellow LeTip members are your business’ best references, as you are theirs. They might use your services themselves, but more importantly they have a network of contacts that can also make use of what you and your business have to offer. Member loyalty to each other helps us remain successful and allows us to continue to grow every year. Support your “sales force” and they will support you!
Dues & Money
The South Bay Chapter will cover the Guest’s first two visits to our Chapter. After two (2) visits, the Guest will be asked to join LeTip in order to attend any future meetings.
To join LeTip International there is a $440.00 membership fee for the first year. The Annual Renewal Fee each year is $350.00. Additionally, there are quarterly dues to our South Bay Chapter of $270.00 per quarter. These dues go towards paying for our breakfast, business mixers, and other costs we incur such as member services directory, taxes, marketing, and other professional services.
Quarterly dues are due by the first meeting of each quarter (Jan, Apr, July and Oct.) If the payment is late, a fine will be incurred. The Chapter Treasurer will send out email reminders prior to the due date, as well as making announcements at the Weekly Meetings leading up to the deadline.
Yes, go to and send your dues to You can also pay with your existing PayPal balance. You can use a credit card or have the money withdrawn directly from your bank (verified PayPal account required for direct bank withdrawal). It’s always best to note your name in the comment area. If you’re asked to choose your shipping address, just choose “None.”
The answer is easy … ACCOUNTABILITY! Fines are not meant to be punitive. Most of the fines LeTip assigns its members are small and only serve as a reminder that you have certain obligations to your fellow members and your chapter as a whole. You can’t take LeTip for granted, you need to participate in order for it to work! In actuality, fines amount to less than $10.00 a month or even less for most LeTip members.
Meetings & Responsibilities
To maintain your membership – four (4) tips per month are required. The real question is: How much business do you really want? You will be rewarded according to your ability to help others. Really! The more you tip, the more tips you will receive. It’s not a one-way street. You can only expect others to support you to the extent you support them!
Always contact the Vice President if you’re going to miss a meeting. You must attend at least 80% of all meetings
Before each meeting from 7:00-7:15AM, there’s ample opportunity to greet and mingle with your fellow LeTippers. Then during the meeting itself, every member receives 30 seconds to present their “commercial” about themselves, their business, what they offer, and finally what makes a good tip for them. Make it count! Making sure to inform fellow members “This is the way you can best tip me,” is a great way to start. Of course, you’ll always have time to mingle after the official business meeting is over as well. Guests attending a meeting will have two (2) 30-second opportunities to promote their businesses during the meeting.
The Chapter’s Program Chairperson sets the schedule Tour of Duty for the Chapter so everyone has an opportunity as they join the group. The first week You’ll be the Showboater; second week Greeter; the third week you are the Speaker; …and the fourth week you’re the Target Tipper!
Showboating allows each member to display and explain their business’ service(s) and needs to fellow members. Each week’s Showboater is asked to arrive early and set up their company’s display of products or services by 7:01AM SHARP. You should be ready to go prior to the rest of the Members arriving. Making a real effort to “DISPLAY” your business will have an impact on the amount of tips you receive from fellow members.
10 minutes on the topic of your choice. Of course it’s always best to focus on some aspect of your business (e.g. industry specific updates, new products and service, how you do business, etc.). Most Speakers receive more than their average weekly tip count because of this single meeting.
As specified by LeTip International, an alternate from your business may attend six (6) times per year, and never more than two (2) consecutive meetings. That person must be a qualified substitute, knowledgeable about your business, and authorized to do business in your stead.
Members that sponsor a specified number of new members into any LeTip chapter receive a badge upgrade and a gift from LeTip International as a sign of our appreciation. GREEN = 1 sponsored member; BLUE = 3 members; SILVER = 10 members; GOLD = 25 members; PLATINUM = 50 members. Our badge incentive program provides recognition for loyalty and a desire to see our Chapter flourish. Once you reach Gold status, you become a lifetime LeTip member and no longer pay LeTip International renewal fees, just your quarterly chapter dues.